rare frog was found

A total of 12 rare species of frog found in the region of India, plus the recovery of three species previously thought extinct. These findings suggest that the region of India is rich in biodiversity of amphibians.

One new species of frog was discovered the night meowing sound, like a frog whose voice was like a cat. The other type is the frog that grows up to Wayanad night for baseball. "It's like a monster," said Sathyabhama Das Biju, scientists University of Delhi, the inventor of this species.

Meanwhile, one frog species are believed extinct were rediscovered after the Coorg night frog. This frog species discovered and described 91 years ago and over the years have been ignored because it is thought to have become extinct. Frog discovery is published in the journal Zootaxa, published this month.

With this discovery, India now has 336 species of frogs that have been identified. Biju believe, the number of species of frogs are there still so much more.

Globally, according to Global Wildlife Conservation, found that 32 percent of existing species of endangered frogs. Contributing factor is habitat loss and pollution.

Attention to the types of amphibians such as frogs are also relatively less. Biju said that a lot of frogs in India live in a habitat. So the habitat protection is required. "Unfortunately, in India is more focused on conservation of charismatic animals such as elephants and tigers, the interest and attention in the frog was minimal, the research is not easy," says Biju.

Biju added, the study of frogs also have economic potential, as in the medical field. "We have to find a species first, to understand and protect it, so we can study the clinical potential," said Biju